Questions on Wikimedia, Free Knowledge and Free Licenses

  • How is the program connected to Wikimedia Deutschland?

    re•shape – A Wikimedia Program for Promoting Knowledge Equity is a program initiated and funded by Wikimedia Deutschland, implemented in collaboration with the new german organizations – the post-migrant network e.V. as program partners and the network partners.

  • What is meant by Free Knowledge?

    Wikimedia Deutschland defines Free Knowledge as knowledge that is freely available, modifiable, and reusable by everyone at any time. The most well-known source of Free Knowledge is the free online encyclopedia Wikipedia.

  • What is meant by Knowledge Equity?

    When we talk about knowledge equity, we mean recognizing inequalities and breaking down systemic barriers with the goal that all people, regardless of their social or economic status, have access to knowledge and can participate in its production and dissemination.

  • What are Free Licenses? And what does it mean for me to work with them?

    Free licenses are usage licenses that allow the use, redistribution, and modification of copyrighted works. While copyright usually means “all rights reserved,” free licenses turn this into “some rights reserved.” Depending on the license used, many uses, such as modifications or the redistribution of works, are pre-authorized for everyone without the need for individual agreements with the copyright holders, as long as the respective license conditions are met. The licenses from Creative Commons are the most widely used free licenses, but there are many others. Each license allows different types of use and modification. Working with free licenses thus also involves weighing the opportunities and risks that generalized accessibility brings.

Questions about the program

  • What is re•shape – A Wikimedia Program for Promoting Knowledge Equity?

    re•shape – A Wikimedia Program for Promoting Knowledge Equity is a program where communities affected by racism explore the opportunities and potential of Free Knowledge for sharing and disseminating marginalized knowledge. The goal is to gain more visibility for knowledge from and about marginalized communities through their own project endeavors and use of free licenses. The projects receive up to €5,000 in funding each and are provided with content-related advice as needed by a pool of experts. Additionally, a framework program with workshops and opportunities for exchange and networking is offered.

  • How is the program connected to neue deutsche organisationen – das postmigrantische netzwerk e.V.?

    neue deutsche organisationen – das postmigrantische netzwerk e.V. are program partners and play a consulting and co-designing role in the program.

  • What does re•shape mean?

    With re•shape, we refer to dynamic processes of reshaping and reforming. The program aims to support the grantees in shaping, reshaping, and redefining what we as a society know, consider worth knowing, and take into account in social and political decisions. We refer to the dynamic process in which a pluralistic society and coexistencing in it are shaped by access to knowledge and information. What finds its way into knowledge repositories and official narratives is largely determined by questions of power. This shapes how we interact as a society, which perspectives and interests we prioritize, and which are declared less important or irrelevant. To contribute to a solidaristic society and informed opinion-making, we aim to make marginalized knowledge from and about communities experiencing racism accessible and more visible through free licenses.

  • How will the program, participants, and their project content be communicated externally?

    The projects will be communicated via the social media channels and newsletters of neue deutsche organisationen – das postmigrantische netzwerk e.V. and Wikimedia Deutschland. Whether you, as program participants, wish to be named is up to you.

  • Where will the program events take place?

    The kick-off and closing events will take place at our office in Berlin. The intermediate event will be held in Brandenburg, the exact location will be announced later.

  • What is the program language and how proficient should participants be?

    The main program language is German, but translations to and from English are possible. During the application process, you will be asked which of the two languages you primarily use for communication and how proficient you are in the other language.

  • How long does the program run for?

    The funding phase begins with a kick-off on November 22 and 23, 2024, and ends with the closing event from June 27 to 29, 2025.

  • What will participants learn?

    The framework program offers workshops, exchange, and support and content advice from a pool of experts, providing a framework for engaging with Free Knowledge and how Free Knowledge projects and Free Licenses can be used to give marginalized knowledge more visibility. Both the workshop content and the expert advice will be tailored to the needs of the participants and their projects. If you are funded, you help decide what will be learned.

  • How many people will be funded?

    A total of ten projects will be funded, each of which can be carried out by 1-3 people. Thus, between 10 and 30 people will participate in the program.

  • How large can a group be?

    We have limited the group size to three people to ensure that participation in the framework program and exchange with other program participants is equally possible for all participants. Larger groups can apply, but only three people can directly participate in the program.

  • What is expected of participants (and what is not)?

    Conversational-level language skills in German or English are required to participate in the framework program. Participation in the kick-off, intermediate, and closing events is an important component for non-material support, exchange, and networking – if participation is not possible, we should be informed as soon as possible to find individual solutions. We expect an interest in engaging with Free Knowledge and the publication of project content under a free license. Prior experience and knowledge in the field of Free Knowledge are not expected. Additionally, a postal address in Germany and a bank account are required. Non-profit organizations must also provide proof of their non-profit status, their statutes, and a register extract, as well as a one-page factual and financial report at the end of the program for tax reasons.

  • How will participants and their projects be supported?

    Each project will receive up to €5,000 in support, and the framework program provides space to learn about the practical work with free licenses through modules such as workshops and exchange with others. Additionally, support and content advice from a pool of experts is offered.

  • What technical requirements must be met for participation?

    If the program events cannot take place in person, they will be held online via Zoom. A stable internet connection is necessary in this case. If additional digital tools are used, we will provide early guidance on their use. The individual technical requirements for your own project implementation must also be met; hardware can be borrowed if needed.

  • What happens to the funded projects after the program ends?

    The rights to the project and its content remain with you as the author under the self-chosen license. With your consent, the funded projects and their authors will be presented or referenced on our website.

  • Do participants retain the rights to their projects?

    Content published under a free license is generally usable under the conditions that apply to the license you choose.

  • Is participation cost-free?

    Yes, participation is free of charge. Projects are additionally funded with up to €5,000. We also cover your travel and accommodation costs for events and provide childcare if needed.

  • I cannot attend all the events. Can I still apply?

    Participation in the events and (online) workshops is central for networking and the implementation of the non-material support. If you already know that attending one or more events will be difficult or impossible, please contact us in advance, and we will find an individual solution.

  • Accessibility – How accessible is re•shape?

    We aim to make re•shape as accessible as our resources allow. We try to reduce and transparently communicate barriers.

    • Communication Language: Much of the communication in the funding program will be digital via email or spoken language at events. Within the funding program, we communicate in German and English, with translations between the two languages offered. We are aware that events and exchanges mostly center on spoken language. If we are informed of needs before the funding approval, we can plan for interpreters for spoken or sign language for the framework program. While the communication languages are German and English, the project language can be chosen freely. We are working to prepare information in an accessible manner. Attendance: Participation in the events is central for networking and the implementation of the non-material support. If you cannot attend an event, please contact us as early as possible, and we will find an individual solution. Work pace: There are no performance-based queries of project status in the program.
    • Event Locations: The kick-off and closing events will take place at the office of Wikimedia Deutschland e.V. The Wikimedia Deutschland office is on the first floor and is accessible by stairs and an elevator. The office has wide corridors and double doors that can be fully opened. Access to toilets is between 60 and 80 cm wide. There are no accessible toilets in the office. Mobile accessible toilets will be organized for events if needed. The office has low-stimulation rooms available for retreat. The intermediate event will take place in Brandenburg, the exact location will be announced later.
    • Technology: For digital appointments like the information session on August 20 (6:30 PM), we will use Zoom.

Questions about Financial Support

  • How exactly does the financial support work?

    If you participate in the program as an individual or as part of an informal group, you will be funded through a personal scholarship. The funding amount of up to €5,000 will be paid per project – if you participate as an informal group, the sum will be divided among you according to your wishes. Non-profit organizations will receive the funding through grant agreements.

  • How and when will the money be paid out?

    Each funded project will receive the entire amount of €5,000. However, personal life circumstances and project needs can vary greatly. Therefore, the amount can also be lower if you wish. We will find the best solution for you and the project together. You do not need to know the exact amount at the time of application. Once the selection process is complete, we will discuss with all the grantees how the financial support will be disbursed.

  • What do you mean by up to €5,000 funding per project / What determines the funding amount?

    We assume a funding amount of €5,000 per project. Sometimes, a lower amount might better meet the funding needs, such as when an organization can only provide evidence for an amount under €5,000 or an individual can only receive a limited additional income. We only reduce the amount upon explicit request.

  • What can I spend the money on?

    Our only condition is that the money is used for or in support of the project implementation. This can happen in various ways, such as purchasing consumables or booking services. It can also cover your living expenses or childcare costs.

  • What conditions are attached to the payout? What evidence do I need to provide?

    The requirements vary depending on whether you are participating as an individual, as part of an informal group, or as a non-profit organization:

    • Individuals and informal groups: Submitting individual receipts is not necessary. All we need is a brief statement that the money was spent for the benefit of the project implementation.
    • Charitable organizations: Towards the end of the funding period, you will need to submit a one-page factual and financial report along with receipts for your expenses.
  • Do taxes have to be paid on the funding?

    The regulations differ depending on whether you are participating as an individual, as part of an informal group, or as a non-profit organization:

    • Individuals and informal groups: Scholarships are tax-free under certain conditions according to § 3 No. 44 Income Tax Act. Scholarship holders are responsible for the proper taxation of the scholarship, for maintaining any insurance, and for obtaining any necessary third-party consents for receiving the scholarship. Wikimedia Deutschland does not guarantee the tax exemption of the scholarship. If the scholarship is taxable, the stated amounts are gross amounts.
    • Charitable organizations: Charitable organizations are generally tax-exempt, so no taxes need to be paid on the funding.
  • Why do the funding conditions differ for individuals and informal groups compared to organizations?

    As a charitable organisation, Wikimedia Deutschland is tax-exempt – just like the charitable organizations we aim to support with re•shape – A Wikimedia Program for Promoting Knowledge Equity. We need the required documents as proof for the statutory use of donated funds.

  • We want to apply as a group but are not a charitable organization – is that possible?

    The funding for individual projects is tied to the person. If you want to apply as a private group (up to three people), you can do so; the €5,000 funding per project will be divided among you according to your wishes. You can all participate in the non-material support and the framework program.

Questions about the Application Process

  • When can I apply?

    Applications can be submitted from Thursday, August 15, 2024, to Sunday, September 15, 2024 (23:59).

  • Who can apply?

    The program is aimed at individuals and communities who experience racism and have an interest in engaging with free knowledge. Applications are open to individuals aged 18 and over, as well as groups, non-profit initiatives, and organizations (e.g., associations, archives, networks) from Germany. Prior experience with Free Licenses and platforms for free knowledge is not required.

  • What projects are funded?

    Projects that aim to give more space to marginalized knowledge from and about communities that experience racism by publishing project results under a free license are funded. A community connection is required, allowing knowledge to be shared autonomously. The format can be freely selected. The selection of applications is based on the funding criteria.

  • How long does it take to fill out the application form?

    We have tried to make the application form as short as possible. The time it takes to fill out the form depends on individual factors, but it generally takes about 45-90 minutes. The form does not need to be completed in one go – you can save your application as you go. Additionally, we do not require perfect grammar or spelling for a successful application.

  • I am not part of the target group or my project does not fit into the program. Can I receive other support?

    Wikimedia Deutschland offers a wide range of funding opportunities that encompass various aspects of community engagement around Wikipedia. Support options include literature scholarships, equipment loans, organizational support for event planning, and travel reimbursements for community meetings. Detailed information about funding opportunities can be found here.

  • I still have questions about the application. What should I do now?

    Feel free to bring your questions to our office hours (during the application phase, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 14:00 to 15:00 at 030-577116220) or the information session (Wednesday, August 20 at 18:30). You can also email your questions to