Aim of the program

With re•shape – A Wikimedia Program to Promote Knowledge Equity, we aim to support individuals marginalized by structural racism in creating visibility for marginalized knowledge and contributing to Free Knowledge and Wikimedia projects.

At Wikimedia Germany, we believe that free access to knowledge contributes to an open-minded, informed, and just society – at least when the creation of and access to knowledge is equally possible for everyone. At the same time, we are aware that reality looks different. What gets included in knowledge repositories and official narratives is greatly determined by questions of power. Even in Free Knowledge, the stories and perspectives of people who experience racism are marginalized and thus barely visible.

Wikimedia Germany e.V. is implementing re·shape in collaboration with neue deutsche organisationen – the post-migrant network e.V. ndo is a nationwide network of nearly 200 associations, organizations, and projects. Its members are descendants of labor migrants and refugees, Sinti and Roma, Afro-diasporic people, Jewish, Muslim, and other dialogue-seeking activists. Some of them identify as People of Color (PoC) or Black people, as hyphenated Germans, or in other ways. Their commonality: ndo sees itself as a post-migrant movement against racism and for an inclusive Germany, advocating for more representation and visibility of marginalized groups at all levels of political and societal decision-making.

Funding and support

Who is the program aimed at?

The program is aimed at individuals and communities in Germany affected by racism. Project teams can consist of up to three people and must be predominantly composed of BIPoC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color), meaning individuals who are affected by racism. Larger groups may also apply, but only three people can directly participate in the program. Non-profit associations are also eligible, provided they are predominantly led by BIPoC. The minimum age for participation is 18 years.

What is eligible for support?

Projects that aim to give more space and visibility to marginalized knowledge from communities experiencing racism are funded, provided that the project results are published under a Free License. This allows the knowledge to be utilized on Free Knowledge platforms like Wikipedia. It is essential that there is a community connection so that knowledge can be shared autonomously.

You can choose any format you prefer. For example, you can create video formats such as explanatory videos or social media posts, audio recordings like podcasts or interviews, and texts such as essays or blog posts. It is also possible to create open educational resources (OER) or conduct and document events (e.g., skill-sharing workshops, panel discussions, or storytelling cafes).

Your project can also be partially or entirely focused on Wikipedia. For example, you can participate in content discussions, provide or curate photos for article illustrations, or organize thematic edit-a-thons (collaborative writing workshops).

For direct article work in terms of creating and revising articles, special rules apply to those who wish to do so as part of a scholarship or their professional activity. If you are interested, we are happy to provide more information during the telephone application consultation or the online information session.

The Project Can:

  • Be a new initiative,
  • Be part of an existing project,
  • rework and build on content from a completed project.

Thus, the project can:

  • Completely fall within the funding period (November 2024 – June 2025),
  • Or extend beyond this period (i.e., start earlier and/or end later).

With your application, you will submit a rough project outline that describes the project’s goal, timeline, and format. This outline serves as a guideline and provides insight into the project planning. At the end of the funding phase, you will write a brief final report and submit it along with your project results under a free license.

How will funding and support be provided?

The support will be tailored to the needs of the recipients and includes the following elements:

  • Financial support

    Individuals: If you participate in the program as an individual, you will receive a personal scholarship of up to €5,000. This is intended to help you carry out your project as independently as possible. You can also use the money to cover your living expenses.
    In principle, each funded project receives the full amount of €5,000. However, personal circumstances and project needs can vary greatly. Therefore, the amount can be lower if you prefer. We will work with you to find the best solution for you and your project. You do not need to know this at the time of application. Once the selection process is completed, we will discuss with all recipients how the financial support will be disbursed.

    Informal Groups: You can also team up with up to two other people for your project and apply together, naming one person as the main contact for the application process. The funding principle remains the same as for individual applicants. Since each project is funded with up to €5,000, the funding amount will be divided among you. You do not need to decide on the division at the time of application. We will discuss with all recipients after the selection process how the financial support will be disbursed.
    With your application, you will submit a rough project outline that describes the project’s goal, timeline, and format. This outline serves as a guideline and provides insight into the project planning. At the end of the funding phase, you will write a brief final report and submit it along with your project results under a free license.

    Charitable Organizations (e.g., associations, archives, networks): You can also apply as a charitable organization and receive a funding amount of up to €5,000 in the form of a grant agreement. For this, you need to provide proof of charitable status, your bylaws, and an excerpt from the register of associations, as well as a brief factual and financial report at the end of the funding period.
    If needed, we cover travel and accommodation costs for all program participants. This applies to the kick-off, interim, and final events. In justified exceptional cases, we also cover travel and accommodation costs for an accompanying person. If needed, we organize on-site childcare.

  • Non-material support

    The non-material support consists of two parts:

    • Workshops: In these workshops, the potential and possibilities of Free Licenses and Free Knowledge platforms, such as Wikipedia, for your own project will be explored. These workshops also provide space for exchange and networking.
    • Expert Support and Consulting: Funded individuals can access a pool of experts for guidance and professional advice on engaging with Free Knowledge and implementing their projects. Members of this network are available to advise on various aspects of Free Knowledge (e.g., Wikimedia projects, Free Licenses, knowledge production) and project implementation.


  • The program

    The program emphasizes networking and exchange with others interested in publishing marginalized knowledge under a Free License or on Free Knowledge platforms. This will be especially possible at three events: a two-day kick-off on November 22-23, 2024, in Berlin; an interim event from April 25-27, 2025, in Brandenburg; and a final event from June 27-29, 2025, in Berlin.

    Please mark these dates in your calendar. Participation in the events and workshops is central to networking and conducting the ideational support. If you are unable to attend an event, please contact us as early as possible, and we will find an individual solution.

    The events will be conducted in German. If needed, we can organize translations from and into English.


  • Application phase

    Applications can be submitted from Thursday, August 15, until Sunday, September 15, 2024 (11:59 PM).

  • Selection

    The selection will be made by an interdisciplinary jury consisting of representatives from Wikimedia Germany e. V., neue deutsche organisationen e.V., network partners, and former grant recipients. Together, they will select ten projects from the submitted applications.

    Acceptance and rejection notifications will be sent out at the end of October/beginning of November.

  • Kick-Off

    The program starts with a kick-off event on November 22-23, 2024, in Berlin. An evening event on Friday provides space for initial introductions. This is followed by a substantive start on Saturday with workshops and an introduction to the world of Free Knowledge.

  • Project Implementation

    From December 2024 to June 2025, projects will be carried out. The intensity and timing of work will vary from project to project and depend on each project’s plan.

  • Interim Event

    During a three-day camp from April 25-27, 2025, in Brandenburg, we aim to give participants the opportunity to discuss the current status of their projects, find common ideas and solutions, and engage in workshops on various topics related to their projects and Free Knowledge.

  • Final Event

    The program concludes with a final event from June 27-29, 2025, in Berlin. Here, project results will be presented, experiences shared, and the program will be ceremoniously concluded.