
In November 2024, re•shape – A Wikimedia Program for Promoting Knowledge Equity will enter its second year. Through this program, Wikimedia Deutschland, in collaboration with the new german organizations – the postmigrant network e.V., aims to provide project funding to give more space and visibility to marginalized knowledge. The program targets individuals and communities who experience racism. In addition to financial support of up to €5,000, the program offers non-financial support in the form of guidance and consultation on engaging with Free Knowledge and project implementation.

Projects eligible for funding should aim to provide more space and visibility to the marginalized knowledge of communities experiencing racism by publishing project results under a Free License. Applications are open from August 15 to September 15, 2024, and can be submitted in German or English.

By marginalized knowledge, we mean knowledge, content, perspectives, and stories that receive little or no space and visibility in mainstream narratives and institutions due to power asymmetries and structural exclusions. This includes knowledge from communities negatively affected by racism.

When we speak of knowledge equity, we mean recognizing inequalities and dismantling systemic barriers to ensure that all people, regardless of their social or economic status, have access to knowledge and can participate in its production and dissemination.

By Free Knowledge, we mean knowledge that can be freely accessed, modified, reproduced, reused, and distributed to varying degrees, depending on the license. Free licenses allow marginalized knowledge to reach a wider audience and be more easily used in both formal and informal education and for fairer media representation of marginalized groups.

Frequently Asked Questions
