Episode 8: Movement Strategy

What’s in this episode?

Our unique and complex movement can sometimes be hard to navigate, particularly for newcomers. In this special episode we answer questions from volunteers who recently joined the Wikimedia Movement and would like to better understand our strategy 2030. We talk about the genesis of the strategy, the future we envision for our movement and we also touch upon key issues related to knowledge equity and global governance.

Our guests are…

Sharon Naa Deedei Tagoe

Volunteer at the Open Foundation West Africa

Sharon studies at the Ghanaian University and joined the Movement in 2022.

Likambo Isaac Kangu

Diaspora coordinator for the UG South Sudan in the Refugee settlements in Uganda

Likambo Isaac Kangu is a South Sudanese refugee living in Uganda. He joined the Movement in August 2022.

Ruby Damenshie-Brown

Senior Program Officer at the Open Foundation West Africa

Ruby joined the movement in 2019, she volunteered in different roles and contributed as a Fellow to the global campaign for WikiforHuman rights 2022 of the WMF.

Check out the video version of this episode on Youtube:

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